Friday, April 27, 2012

Egyptian comedy icon Adel Imam under jail threat!


Legendary Adel Imam represented comedy at its purist form in the Egyptian cinema for over 40 years. Imam was not just a comedian but a drama actor who captured the hearts and minds of Egyptians as well the Arabs for decades. He represented in my many cases the hero or the anti-hero who breaks the rules of bureaucracy and ridiculous traditions in his society.
Imam rose to stardom in the early 1970’s as a superstar for the new wave of Egyptian comedies of that era. Mentored by the legendary actor Fouad El Mohandes who is considered by some to be the greatest Egyptian comedian of all time, Imam didn’t just follow the path of his mentor but his impeccable talent created a comedy school of his own. He portrayed the daily life of the average Egyptian man in most of his movies, plays, TV and Radio series. Egyptians would find Imam representing their daily struggles and life hurdles. The man was the biggest name in the industry in Egypt in 1980’s and 1990s and still retains that title till now despite the heavy competition from his generation and new generation stars.

Through his career Imam battled backwardness, terrorism and religious zealousness. He was the arch-rival of all the Islamists movements in Egypt and often portrayed them in a manner that is satirical and comical to draw attention of the populace to their divisive and sectarian rhetoric. Some of his movies reached international success like the 2006 “The Yacoubian Builiding” based on award winning novel by the same name written by Egyptian famous novelist Alaa El Aswany. The movie was set in 1990s after the first gulf war and describing the social rift and economic struggles between classes in Egypt after decades of the 1952 coup d’etat. These struggles are displayed in the portrayal of characters of different classes living in the same building situated in the heart of Cairo’s downtown. Yacoubian Building is considered by many as of his best masterpieces and received world wide acclaim and rewards.
As a payback to his continuous mocking and satire against the Islamists throughout the past decades, an ultra conservative Salafi lawyer from Alexandria sued Imam for what he deemed as anti-Islamic movies throughout Imam’s career. The weirdness and preposterousness of this claim is not new to the Salafi followers who try to witch-hunt many Egyptian artists, writers and poets, whom they claim to be anti Islamic and sue them for blasphemy and heresy. Unfortunately, some of these law suits find a hearing and a place in the judicial system that has been infiltrated recently by Islamists led by the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafi groups.
The court has fined Adel Imam and sentenced him to 3 months in prison. Also, the same court rejected his appeal to drop the charges and sentence. This court ruling is considered to be one of the most outrageous infringements of freedom of expression in recent memory and set back to all the mottos and slogans of the 25th of January revolution.

Imam may have not been a great advocate of the Egyptian revolution and one can understand why now as the replacement of the old regime was nothing more than his old enemies the Islamists.  The man who is nick named as “El Zaeem” or the Leader represents a great importance to every Egyptian for he was among those who portrayed the hardships of their daily lives under previous regimes on silver screen and TV. Despite being accused of siding to the previous regime and being a friend of the ruling family of Mubarak, the man still represents an artistic and cinematic icon of his generation and generations to come.

Egyptian cinema is considered to be the Hollywood of the East with over 300 million viewers in the Arab world and outside. This cinema industry is one of the main reasons that gave Egypt its prominent cultural position in the Middle East and particularly the Arab world. Also it’s a reason that the Egyptian accent is widely understood in most Arab countries as well as the Egyptian tradition, culture and sightseeing’s thus giving a great boost to the tourism industry. In short, the Egyptian cinema is part of the Egyptian cultural prestige in the region and the entire world.

Egyptians, who are known by their excessive and blatant sense of humour only rivaled by Americans and Italians, will not stand idle to see their comedy and drama hero being jailed for giving them great years of joy and happiness. Hardly any Egyptian of any age or social status who lived in Egypt or abroad haven’t watched at least a dozen or more of his movies, plays and TV shows. The iconic star will always remain in the heart of people and will be supported by all the Freedom fighters in Egypt and the whole world against the dark forces of tyranny surfacing from the deep abyss of backwardness, ignorance and terrorism. 

Adel Imam’s case is a fight for freedom of expression that all patriotic Egyptians must stand their ground for or they will find themselves to be next in line accused of heresy and disdain towards religion. This is not a fight that Egyptians should take lightly but it’s a fight for survival. Art is what captured the imagination of the ancient Egyptians civilization by the entire world and still is the pride of every Egyptian till this date. Art is the message and imprint that each civilization is weighed by in the annals of history. Without art ancient Egypt would have been a tiny footnote in history since all those temples, palaces monuments and documents of human achievements won’t have existed. The same applies to modern day Egypt, if Egyptians succumb to the will of Islamists to fight freedom of Expression then the Egypt we know today will cease to exist. Moreover, if freedom is defeated in Egypt it will not take a long time before it’s completely obliterated in this troubled region.

Adel Imam gave Egyptians, Arabs and the entire world decades of joy, happiness, laughter and great art while on the other hand his Islamists archrivals gave these nations nothing but wars, misery , poverty, terror and backwardness. This is a call to all the freedom fighters and human rights groups around the planet to support free Egyptians against the tyranny of Islamists and forces of darkness. Support the freedom for Adel Imam and all artists in Egypt and the Middle East. Your voice must be heard to support this great actor in his ordeal or it will be only a matter of years before the infection is spread in your country. This is a time to reflect on French Journalist, writer philosopher and Nobel laureate Albert Camus words of wisdom Without freedom, no art; Art lives only on the restraints it imposes on itself, and dies of all others.”

Support the freedom for Adel Imam

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Long and Winding Road for Democracy in Egypt Part 9

There is no business like God business: Islamist exploitations 

Part A

Over two thousand years ago the great Greek historian Herodotus described Egypt in his memoirs as follows: “Concerning Egypt itself, I shall extend my remarks to a great length, because there is no country that posses so many wonders nor any that has such a number of works which defy description” then he added “They (Egyptians) are religious to excess, far beyond any other race of men”

Herodotus description of ancient Egypt couldn’t be more accurate and certainly still resembles the modern day Egypt especially when it concerns religion. In the land that invented Beer and created belly dancing, religion is and piety ironically plays a factor in almost every Egyptian’s life. Be that he is a Muslim, Christian, Jew or any other creed. The organized religion in Egypt dates back to the ancient Egyptian Sun-God Ra. Other Gods Osiris, Seth, Ptah were worshipped in Egypt till the dawn of Judaism, Christianity and finally Islam. It may be correct to mention that the ancient deities’ worship lasted for a period that exceeds the existence latter two religions combined. Hence the sense of religiousness and piety is deeply rooted in the Egyptian mentality and society.
At the same time, Religion has been exploited constantly by its preachers constantly for power, authority and sometimes money for the same period. This can be attributed to the first ancient secret society the Amon Ra monks and all the way to the Salafist Groups of Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood’s Guidance Bureau .

The modern Egyptians have been entangled in a web of Islamization procedures by two main forces the Salafis groups (Fundamentalist) and Muslim Brotherhood. The involvement of these two main groups in the Egyptian political and social life have shifted the momentum of the Egyptian age of modern enlightenment which started by Mohamed Ali Pasha reign (1805-1849) and ended by the abdication of  King Farouk I in 1952 through a coup’ d’état Led by Gamal Abdel Nasser and his associates “Free officers”  The 1952 Coup’ d’état marked the end of the Golden era of Liberalism and free thinking in the Egyptian society which started after the independence from British occupation in 1922 and ended in 1952.
The years that followed witnessed the sunset of the age of rationalism and secularism in the Egyptian society. They were replaced by the more tyrannical values led mainly by extreme leftists and communism ideals followed by a more lethal Islamism of the society on many degrees.
Gamal Abdel Nasser tried to instill some secular ideals in the society in a manner to battle his archrivals in power the Muslim Brotherhood. However, his oppressive methods of hunting down all liberal thoughts of all factions that opposed him sealed the death certificate of the enlightenment period and began a period of instability, wars and endless economic pressures on the country and society.  That period witnessed the rise of the Islamists post the 1967 war as Nasserism seemed to appear as a failed ideology in the eyes of the Egyptians.


1- Muslim Brotherhood:

Pre- January 25th Revolution

Hassan El Banna

“Listen and obey” is the motto of the prominent Islamist group which was established in 1928 by Islamic Scholar Hassan El Banna. El Banna one of the most controversial figures in the modern Egyptian history. The man behind the politicization of religion in the region and his impact is still felt till this day. The Group since its inception has been in a collision course with the governing authority in Egypt. The collision initiated during King Fouad and King Farouk’s era, through the reign of Presidents of Gamal Abdel Nasser and Sadat and all the way to President Mubarak. The group founder El Banna was assassinated in 1949 in retaliation of his involvement in the assassination of Former Egyptian Prime Minister El Noqrashy as well as Judge El Khazendar among many others who also died in their bombings of Jewish and British owned stores and businesses in Cairo. These actions led to the banning of the Islamist group for the first time in history then another time during Nasser’s era when they attempted an assassination against the late president in 1954 which resulted in the banning and crackdown on the group activities and members in Egypt. During that period the brotherhood despite it’s relatively moderate ideology about Islam compared to Jihadists have managed to produce one of the most dangerous extremists in Islamic theology which is Sayed Qutb, The man who was sentenced to death by Gamal Abdel Nasser was the God father of modern terrorism .His book “Malameh fi El Tareek” or “Signs on the road” represented the Magnus Opus and bible of Jihadist and extremists for decades till this day. He was the first to call for violent change in society through force and eradicating the infidels and to pave the way for an Islamic puritan society according to his teachings that the likes of Ayman El Zawahiri and Osama Bin Laden followed later. The Quttbian followers among the brotherhood are still there despite many deny their existence and among them the General Guide of the Brotherhood Mohamed Badie.

Mohamed Badie

Since that date, the brotherhood managed to stay as the shadow players in the political scene and forged a deal in the 1970s to resume with their activities with late President Sadat on the condition that they would abide by the laws of the country. It wasn’t long before they broke the deal and found themselves in the collision with Sadat’s regime. After Sadat’s assassination by Jihadists, they try to forge another deal with Mubarak’s and managed to form an alliance with El Wafd party in 1984 which resulted in winning about 50 seats in parliament shared with El Wafd representatives. In 2005, a final deal with forged with Mubarak’s regime that resulted in winning 88 seats in the parliament but that deal broke in 2010 when the regime managed to run of Egypt’s most rigged elections ever. Despite all of the above the Brotherhood continued their cooperation with Mubarak’s regime even during the revolution and was among the first to declare that they are not participating in the January 25th revolution only to join it later after the initial success of the first wave led mainly by the Liberals and socialists activists. The Brotherhood has franchises that follow the same ideology in over 80 different countries and a very complicated web of contacts all over the world. It’s considered as the equivalent of a multinational corporation in the form of a religious group.

Post January 25th Revolution

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time. – Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

The resounding success of the revolution led to achieving the first goal of the banned group which is restoring governmental and public recognition. Despite this recognition the banned group never registered the group as an NGO till the moment. However, Muslim Brotherhood forged a good cooperation with the Supreme council of Armed forces SCAF. A cooperation that led them to establish the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) which should have been unconstitutional under Egyptian law forbidding any form of religious party but they managed to find a loophole declaring that they are not a religious party but a party that has Islamic background ideology. That party and the earlier cooperation with SCAF led them to secure some of their long fought interests among which obtaining 44% of the Parliament seats and almost double that number in upper house.

The brotherhood became no longer the banned group but more of the lucky group and among the only few winners post of the revolution. However, the greed for power and lust for authority has dominated the actions of the members, they and their ally the Salafi party “El Nour” or “The Light” and hijacked 70 seats out of the 100 seats to form the committee for writing the constitution. This action among many others led to the alienation of the Egyptian populace and political spectrum from them with almost all liberal and socialists’ parties and powers boycotting the committee. Fortunately, the Supreme administrational court decreed that the committee was formed in an unconstitutional and revoked the formation proposed by the FJP party.

Mohamed Morsie

In the first days of the revolution Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Essam El Arian vowed on march 14th 2011 that they will only campaign for 35% of the parliament followed by an increase to 40% a few days later than 50%. Eventually they increased the percentage to cover 100% of the seats from which they won 44%. They also vowed never to present a Presidential candidate only to break that vow in April 2012 and announce Khairat El Shater as their candidate and FJP president Mohamed Morsi as a replacement candidate. El Shater who was accused and imprisoned during Mubarak’s era is the master financier of the rich organization.  The organization is estimated to earn about 500,000 Million Egyptian pounds annually from its estimated 400,000 members who donate 8% of their earning to the brotherhood. Also the businessmen members of the Brotherhood donate a huge sums of their earnings that can reach up to 20 million EGP each. Furthermore, the group has international investments located mainly in Dubai, Turkey and Hong Kong amounting two Billion dollars that generate a sum of 500,000 Million annually for the group. Furthermore, international Islamic bank like the defunct Bahamas/Swiss based El Taqwa Bank owned by Swiss/Egyptian Businessman  Youssef Nada was a continuous source of income till its bankruptcy. These numbers are sourced from Brotherhood chief financial expert Dr. Hussein Shehata in 2008.
The Brotherhood has infiltrated large sectors of society in recent years and now that is now manifested in the growing power of the 80 year old group in the Egyptian society. Regardless of what happens in the near future the brotherhood will remain a key player for at least the near future in the Egyptian politics despite its shattered image in the eyes of many Egyptians post the revolution. The party is now on a collision course with SCAF and almost all other non-Islamist powers. They have shown a real power-mongering and greedy attitude towards all parties. That attitude was prevalent particularly in the issues concerning the new constitution writing committee whom they took the lion share with their allies Salafi party El Nour. That resulted in the withdrawal of all other powers and boycotting the committee activities even by Al Azhar Islamic institution and the Coptic Church. Yet, the group relentless quest to establish hegemony over the political, economic and social life in Egypt is an ongoing process. The group are resilient into holding the position for presidency by nominating not one but 3 different candidates among them the relatively moderate Abou El Fottoh who can be the Trojan horse for Muslim Brotherhood to obtain the presidency seat.
Unless the liberals and leftists powers stand their ground and unite against this endless ambition, the third Reich scenario in Germany is no longer an unlikely scenario in the upcoming years.

2- Salafis: (Islamist Fundamentalists)

 Pre- January 25th revolution


The Salafi movement in Egypt is the Egyptian version of Wahhabi ultra-conservative radical movement in Saudi Arabia. The movement was established by Mohamed Abdel Wahhab ( 1703-1792) in the 18th century and was quelled by the Egyptian forces of Mohamed Ali Pasha in an expedition in the Arabian peninsula in the present day Saudi Arabia. The movement first traces in Egypt can be identified by the establishment of “El Gameia El Shaaria” or the “The legitimate association” 1912 for mainly charity reasons but it was the backdoor in later years and precisely after the 1970s oil-boom in the gulf for funding projects as a façade for the extremists to fund Salafi and Wahhabi doctrine teachings in Egypt.

The rise of the Salafis groups in Egypt started slowly in the early years of the 1930’s and they found their way through society through charity work and establishing clinics for the poor in rural and impoverished areas where the consecutive governments failed to live up to their duties.
For the past two decades Saudi Arabia along with several Persian Gulf countries have funded a lot of the Salafis groups . Saudi Arabia is believed to have spent an estimated amount of over 100 Billion dollars in the past 2 decades to spread to the Wahabi doctrine worldwide according to British TV presenter Antony Thomas. The funding is usually directed to schools, mosques and charity organizations worldwide. Also other nongovernmental organizations have spent billions others in the form of charity money usually sent to Salafi groups in Egypt especially “El Gamaia El Shaaria” and “Ahl El Sunna” or the “People of the Sunni” . That flow of money has helped the Salafi groups and their scholars to gain a strong ground in the Egyptian society particularly in impoverished areas within the country where social services were badly sought after. The launching of the two Salafi Satellite channels “Al Hikma” (Wisdom) and “ Al Nas” (People) have marked a shift in the Salafis strategy in reaching further masses with the Egyptian version of Tele-evangelists presenting the programs in these channels and preaching for a rigid intolerant version of Islam that hardly has nothing to do with the original message of Islam. In fact it has a lot to do with the Wahabi version of Mohamed Abd El Wahab. Surprisingly, the Egyptian government looked the other away from that sort of Wahhabi propagation in the society.
The Egyptian government and National Security Bureau have used Salafi Sheikhs and leaders for decades to curb the growing influence of Muslim Brotherhood. They relied on the Salafis continuos declarations and ideology of Salafis that practicing democracy is “Haram” (Forbidden) as they believed back democracy is an evil invention of the west. However, that resulted that Salafis has gained much further ground in the Egyptian society and once their leaders decided that it’s “Halal” or Permitted to practice democracy and elections as a mandatory practice after the revolution, the face of Egyptian politics have chhanged forever.

Post 25th of January Revolution

The Salafi groups in Egypt with their different factions from ultra-extremists to relatively moderate (Costa Salafis) have decided by some miracle that’s it’s no longer “Haram” or forbidden to practice politics and democracy and decided to establish several political parties. The most prominent of them is the Nour Party meaning “The light” which is an oxymoron judging by the amount of dark ideologies that this party adopts. The Nour capitalized on the Salafi group already widespread believes and utilized the religious rhetoric to the extreme during their elections campaign. They called their opponents infidels and crusaders to push their followers among them many overzealous and also illiterate people away from voting for their opponents. Yet all these infringements to the Egyptian law received the blessings of the government and SCAF.

They managed to hold about 27% of the Parliament seats thanks to overspending and the vicious smear campaign against their opponents. However, their performance in the parliament is still abysmal starting from calls to ban internet pornography as a priority that precedes any other economic all the way to moral scandals.

El Balkimy

Members of  El Nour party with surrounded by s scandals as in the case of representative El Balkimy who had a nose job operation and lied about it and filed a report that he was mugged then apologized for lying. One week later a bigger scandal to be found that he was married in secret to a belly dancer. Further scandals about the part of receiving about 300 Million Egyptian pounds funded from overseas sources through Salafi groups are still lingering.
However, there is still a good chunk of Egyptians who still believe they are puritans and they are men of God. The latest episode is the Salafi Presidential candidate Hazem Abou Ismail with extremist anti-American rhetoric whose deceased mother and sister were found to be carrying American nationalities side by side to his Egyptian one. Once proven his application for presidency will be rejected..Very few Salafis have common sense and wisdom not to provoke others and maintain an enlightened moderate stance like Sheikh Osama El Quosy who appears to be more moderate than Al Azhar clerics. But the large majority are still radical and posseses extreme views of the religion .The Salafis will still play a role in the Egyptian politics for years but inch by inch the halo around them will fade as their real face is uncovered to the common Egyptian.

3-Jihadists (Militant Islamists)

Pre January 25th revolution

The word “Jihad” resonates a bad sound in the ears of the western hemisphere due to its utilization by what’s known in the media as Jihadist in their holy war against the west and those whom they deem as infidels whether they are Muslims or any other religion.

The fact is that, the actual word means doing an effort to achieve a goal like studying for exams or creating a new project. The word now is reserved for Militant Islamists in the likes of the “Islamic Group in Egypt”, “Al Jihad group” and the notorious “Al Qaeda” There is no space enough to describe the atrocities and the killings performed by these groups from the assassination of late Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat, Speaker of the House Refaat El Hahgoub , prominent writer Farag Fouda all the way to the bombings in Cairo, Sinai, Luxor and dozens of other incidents that taken away the lives of thousands of Egyptians.

On international scale Al Qaeda is of course the household name of terror personified. Hundreds of these groups were arrested, imprisoned and many executed for their deeds but they found themselves a new place in the new Post revolution Egypt. They preceded that with what they called the “Revisions” of  their Ideology and modus operandi a few years ago written by the founder of Al Jihad group Sheikh Sayed Imam which he denounced their formal terrorist activities and asked all his followers to start a new chapter with society. However, still the bulk of Egyptian society is weary from Jihadists due to the years of turmoil they caused to the Egyptian society and for which the former Mubarak’s regime stripped away a lot of freedoms under the pretext of fighting these terrorists.
Post 25th January Revolution

Many Jihadists found themselves released from prison even those who spent life-time sentences (Usually 25 years in Egypt) were out , Among them President Sadat’s assassin Aboud El Zomor and many others who wreaked havoc in the Egyptian nation in the past years. The shocking release of these highly dangerous elements provided a sign to Islamists that their activities are finally tolerated by the authorities.
Added to that hundreds of members of the Jihadist groups found their way back to Egypt from Albania, Afghanistan, Iran and others in the days that followed the Fall of Mubarak. This represents a clear and present danger to the Egyptian national security for these are highly battled hardened militants who can are unpredictable in their next course of action. The reason they were permitted to enter the country again after being banned for years remains an enigma in the eyes of many Egyptians. Some deemed it as a scare tactic from SCAF to curb the revolutionary powers that these will be the replacements in case we are gone.
In the parliamentary elections they collected a small number of seats in the parliament and they are still shunned by a big sector of society despite some of them like to appear in the media as more tolerant like Nageh Ibrahim but they all fail to convince anyone except the hardcore Islamists of their clear intentions.

Nageh Ibrahim

The likeness that they play a stronger role in future remains reliant on the success of the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis to grow in power even further. Statements from the likes of Khalid Al Islamboli’s (Sadat’s Assassin) brother Mohamed that a Taliban like system in Egypt will be the key to security proves once again that all the so called revisions in their ideologies were just a method for them to acquire a release from imprisonment. Given the chance most these militants will raise arms again against the Egyptian state and its people. The way to counter the negative effects for such groups will not be only counter-violence but awareness programs led by Al Azhar and other enlightened institutions in Egypt.

Part B 

Growing Islamist exploitations in Egypt


A-  Islamization of the Egyptian Society:

For centuries Islam in Egypt managed to maintain a moderate stance that inspired other nations from all around the world. During the darkest periods of religious wars in Europe, Egypt maintained tolerance to with Muslims alongside Christians and Jews living together in harmony. All monotheistic religions were tolerated and practiced freely for centuries all the way till 1952 coup d’etat .

Before 1952, there were a Muslim King and a Christian Prime Minister and Jewish Minister of Finance at one time. However, the entire scene started to change during the years that followed 1952 with many Jews were hassled after what was known as the Israeli plotted “Lavon Affair” terrorist operation in 1954 and left for Europe, USA and Israel. Christians started to be marginalized politically and slowly from the higher seats in governments. The situation didn’t change much as the years went through and during the last 20 years forms of radical Islam brought by my mainly expatriates who lived in the Gulf-states and back home started to replace the moderate Islam. The Full Veil (Niqab) and long beards started to be more common scenery in the streets of Cairo and all Egyptians cities. The sectarian tension and dismissal from public offices for Christians and minorities becomes more prevalent as their power grows.

Before the 1990s even the regular veil wasn’t very common in many rural areas especially in the north of the country. But now it’s even very common in the most urban areas. While the latter doesn’t represent a problem but the full veil have caused a wide stir in the ranks of Egyptian society, since it’s an identity as well as a security problem. Islamists have been propagating this look in the society for decades and assisted by billions of dollars donations coming from a variety of overseas sources as well as their own businesses run in Egypt. Their business is on the rise and fueled by the overzealous status they created in the society. The billions of pounds spend on buying their products be that ring tones with prayers, , Islamic veils, niqab, books of Salafi doctrine and other Islamic related products. Religion is a mutli-billion dollar business in Egypt and it’s possibly the only thriving sector of the economy after the revolution.

 B-   Full implementation of Islamic Jurisprudence “Sharia’”:

Islamists and particularly Salafis never miss an opportunity to demand for the full implementation of the Islamic Jurisprudence laws. While 80% of the Jurisprudence laws are already applied in the Egyptian law without the use of the medieval methods of capital punishments and replaced instead by jail terms and sometimes death sentences for crimes of murder.

Islamic Jurisprudence have been revolutionary 1400 years at time that Byzantine, Roman& Persian laws dominated known societies of the old world at that time. Human rights guaranteed by these laws especially regarding women rights of freedom of marriage, work, inheritance and ownership that no one women in the world possessed under any system at that time. Even the family names of women were kept after marriages as a sign of their independence. At the earlier days of Islam women traded, worked and even joined forces with men in wars. However, eventually these rights were stripped one after another through the years thanks to interpretations some radical Islamic Scholars after the death of prophet Mohamed by a century. Eventually things went from bad to worse with more radical interpretations of the Quran surfacing from famous Islamic Scholars in the centuries to follow thus rendering women rights to be very limited and in certain cases almost non-existent in some societies like Saudi Arabia.

These pioneering jurisprudence laws can be utilized as some guidelines but they cannot be in total coherence with the modern times especially due to the conflicting interpretations from the Islamic narratives and the huge difference between the modern societies of today to the nomadic societies of the past. Also the there have been issues which was not been dealt with decisively in the Islamic Jurisprudence like slavery and although Islam urges people to free slaves as a good will and deed but there wasn’t a decisive order to free them because 1400 years ago they represented the labour in those societies so the gradual emancipation of slaves was called to all Muslims. Yet many Muslims have found some loopholes in the jurisprudence and the actual numbers of slaves increased in the Islamic societies to the extent that some of them became too powerful in the army that they managed to rule countries like Egypt for over 200 years like the Mamluks dynasty.

The Islamists fail to understand that it was actually the narrative and counseling of great Islamic Scholars such as Sheikh Mohamed Abdou that inspired the 1923 constitution and constitutions that followed. Sheikh Mohamed Abdou was inspired by western progress and civilization and wished to incorporate that into the Islamic world while  preserving the identity. Islamists fail to listen to anything beyond their own voices concerning politics. Even the advice and inspirational work of Mohamed Abdou and other more liberal Islamic scholars like Gamal El Banaa (Ironically Hassan El Banna Brother) never attract their attention.

It’s would be unreal that Egyptians after a glorious revolution seeking freedoms would succumb to punishments that governed mainly tribal societies over centuries ago and were even ceased in most periods due to famines and other social and political issues. The Islamic Jurisprudence is already applied and implemented in laws of Marriage, trade and many others facets in Egypt but not the medieval punishments. Therefore, these demands of applying the medieval punishments are preposterous to say the least. The problem with Islamic Jurisprudence punishments is that it’s not applied by God almighty but by people who claim to act on his behalf rendering them unsuitable for the modern world.

C-   Establishment of a new Islamic Caliphate

Now this is the part where delusion meets historical nostalgia among Islamists. Since the fall of the last Ottoman Caliphate in 1922 and the establishment of the republic of Turkey, many Islamist scholars have been longing for the day they would revive what they believe as the old glories of the caliphates. While their argument relies on the power of Muslims during the periods that lasted from the 7th century to the 20th century, they still ignore categorically the weaknesses and the real reasons why the last caliphate fell. The Islamic caliphates might have been the necessity of their own time but living in the period of nationalism and nations founded on the basis of national identity regardless of creeds makes that argument very weak.

Furthermore, they fail to acknowledge that during these caliphates a lot of atrocities and human rights infringements took place in the name of religion despite the existence of some golden periods like the Rashidin Caliphates and Umayyad Caliphate in Andalusia (Spain&Portugal). However, those short periods are not a valid reason to turn the clock backwards and establish a Caliphate lead by a single man who has all the powers over Muslims and non=Muslims from east to west. The current democratic and national foundations surpass any benefits that could ever occur from the establishment of a caliphate. However, hardcore Islamists master plan is still to topple all the governments in the Middle East and establish a new caliphate that unites Muslims under one banner. All Islamists have the same ideology of recreating the caliphate from Muslim Brotherhood to Al Qaeda. They all believe in the same goal and have vowed to fulfill their dreams even at the expense and demise of their own nations.

  1. First they came for the communists and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist.
  2. Then they came for the trade unionists and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
  3. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Jew.
  4. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me!
Martin Niemöller (1892-1984)

These were the simple words of a German Theologian and Anti- Nazi Pastor describing his initial reaction towards the rise of the Nazis in his country and how they took factions one by one till the dominated the political scene. This statement was published in  1955 book by Milton Mayer’s book “They Thought They Were Free” as part of the interviews conducted with Germans who lived through the Nazi rise and fall. Niemöller was initially a supporter of the rise of the Nazis before he realized later the blatant truth about them and started to criticize them which led to his arrest and he narrowly escaped execution.

Ironically, this statement summarizes it all as well for post Egyptian society towards the Islamists attitude and the apologists who surround them and asking people to give them a chance despite their blatant disregard of the others opinions and rights. Also the Islamists endless quest to hold all political positions in Egypt be that the parliament, government or Presidency proves that they will stop at nothing before Egypt is turned into a state with a larger scale caliphate.

Religion and Politics is a lethal cocktail when mixed together that always kills anyone who drinks It and it seems Egyptians have been sipping a lot of it lately. Religion in politics is the equivalent of Anabolic Steroid doping in Sports, it marginalizes the competitiveness of athletes into who has a better mix of chemicals injected into their bodies. Similarly, when politics mix with religion it’s a doping process that favours those who claim to be more pious and holier than thou without presenting viable programs for the public hence it’s an infringement to all traditions of democracy and equal rights.
Egyptians as well as their Islamists politicians are still failing to grasp that the purpose of government is to establish a profitable free economic system, form a good healthcare system, create a modern educational system, pave the roads, and establish ports, airports, etc… But no government’s task should ever include providing an entry ticket to heaven for its people. That would be asking too much from the wrong persons who have no hand in them entering heaven or hell.

Indulging in matters of afterlife with politics is a plague that struck the Egyptian social and political life in recent years. Matters of afterlife are totally in the hand of God and nothing to do with politics. Furthermore, it should always remain within the boundaries of mosques or churches. People will not be judged in afterlife as nations, cities, villages nor families but as individuals. Each on his own will face the consequence of his own deeds and not the deeds of his country or fellowmen.

There are no countries going to heaven or hell. Egypt will not go to heaven because we have Islamists in power and France going to hell because they don’t have them as rulers. This entire notion is ridiculous and a rhetoric created by Islamists throughout their campaign for the past 80 years to attract the attention and hold the votes of some of the simpler minded masses.  The dreams of establishing an Islamic utopia must be given up for the simple fact that there is no such thing not before and not ever. Society’s progress as time do and all those who keep looking in the past will never build a future which resembles 18th century British Politician and scholar Edmund Burke saying  “You can never plan the future with the past”

The path Egyptians have chosen will lead into further divisions within the country and Iran, Pakistan, Sudan, Algeria, Gaza, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan are living proof that Islamists when in power they never bring the milk and honey to people’s lives.

The educational system in Egypt should emphasize on the importance of coexistence between all Egyptians of all faces. A more modern and secular education should replace the antiquated educational system that belongs to the early 20th century in Egypt. An education system that stresses on the civic duties of each Egyptian and equal rights and obligations of all citizens alike.
Islamists are gaining ground now inch by inch and step by step for total hegemony on the country and very soon on the Middle East region, they have used every deception trick from the Machiavelli’s “Prince” book and added an appendix of their own to it.

Moreover, the once cosmopolitan society that amalgamated all nations, creeds and ethnicities into one melting pot throughout history cannot be poised towards a totalitarian single polar society.

One doesn’t need to be a man of God to be a good politician or even a good man, in fact hypocrisy and double standards still taint the reputations of many of those holier than thou types in Egyptian politics.  Moreover it’s necessary for all politicians to possess a vision for the country regardless of how pious he/she is. Piety is a great trait but the holier-than-thou attitude usually a façade to cover deeper vices. It would be better to have politicians with some vices but actual capability to serve the country than others who appear to be immaculate but incapable of running a country.

Maybe everyone would reflect and think what they might learn from a simple phrase made by the greatest American leader of all time President Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) which could resemble the exact situation in post revolution Egypt.  “It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues.”